Charlwood Leigh has helped its clients to invest over £150 million in unit trusts and mutual funds. We can assist you in deciding upon the best investment strategy and can advise you on a range of investment vehicles and their tax-planning advantages.
- We can help you to choose ISAs
- We can help you to manage your Personal Equity Plans (PEP)
- We can help you to find the best Investment Bond (With Profits or Unit Linked)
- We can help you to find the best Off-Shore Bonds (With Profits or Unit Linked)
- We can help you to decide on what Unit Trust or Investment Trust to invest in
- We can advise you on how best to reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill, using Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) or Enterprise Investment Schemes (EISs).
- We can advise you on Taxation of Investment Bonds.
Equities are generally a higher return investment compared to other classes of assets over the long term. But you need to be aware of the following risks:
- The capital value of units purchased through these plans, and the income which they can produce, can fall as well as rise depending on Stock Market conditions and the demand for the security on the open market.
- Investments for equities should be considered for the medium to long term, as if you encash the investment in the early years or at a time when the markets have moved against you, you may get back less than you originally invested.
- Past performance is no guarantee of future returns and independent advice should be sought as to the best investment route for your personal circumstances.